Free Day

This past Friday the kids had off seems to me that they have entirely too many days off school but I it's out of my hands. Anyway, they had off school so we decided to take a day trip to the Zacate River. The Zacate flows out of the mountains and through the Pineapple Plantation and dries out before it reaches the ocean; farther up though there is a swimming hole that is absolutely beautiful. I had been there twice with Nelson and one other kid from Laureles, he had been so impressed that he came back and talked non-stop to the other kids about how amazing it was; so it was by unanimous vote that the kids opted for a trip to Zacate. Marla, a lady from the church loaned me her truck and I managed to load 19 kids in the back and off we went for the day. It was a little hectic and I don't think I'll do a 19-kid day trip again anytime soon but it was also a lot of fun.

Blessings to you all. Peace!

- matt


Unknown said…
I too wonder when the kids actually have / are in school. Anyway - let me know if you need help in the future - 19 kids is a LOT - you do have friends! If we are free - we can help :-)
Nancy Marshall said…
Hi Matt,

What an awesome day and what a beautiful spot to go swimming...but oh how dangerous! Yikes! I bet you were stressed all day watching the kids..some who cant swim... jump from the high place into the water below.
I thank God for protecting all of them..and you.
Next time take a girl (smile).
Peace to you,

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