Free Day from School

This past Thursday the kids of Laureles had a day off from school so we decided to plan a River Swim. Unfortunately, I was never able to rustle up a car so Josue and I showed up to the Dump with four whole chickens, three loaves of bread and no mode of transportation. The kids were completely undeterred and reasoned that if we couldn't drive we could always walk...and we did, nearly an hour both ways. Josue, Norman and Myself herded 28 kids up the main road that follows Ceiba's largest river into the mountains. When we arrived at the designated swimming whole we were hot, dusty, parched and ready to swim.

We brought Oder along even though he has a ruptured eardrum and according to Doctor's orders, can't allow water into his right ear for a year. This is his attempt at keeping his head above far as I could tell he was fairly well successful.

One of my "Stairs" employees, Nango, is also the older brother of Anwar - he came along to help us keep order and immediately set about organizing the children into work teams to build bathing pools on the river's bank.

Anwar enjoying the fruits of his labor

Oder, Memo, Selvin, Christian, Sergio, Chamu, Josue and Chita in one of their constructed pools.

- Peace!


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