That's Some Pig

I done bought me a pig. Sergio's family raises pigs and convinced me to buy one for $25; I figured for that kind of money how can you go wrong. Anyways, I picked 'er out yesterday and then dropped her off at another family there in the community that agreed to raise it for me. When it comes time I'm gonna get a leg and the family will keep the rest.

Lazin' On An Afternoon

That One's Mine

I had to scare away the mother or she would have bowled me over

They make so much noise, my eradrums were still ringing 15 minutes after the whole affair

The thing weighs a lot more than what it looks


Unknown said…
You know - I'm just gonna say it - I'm one of those people who LOVE to see my pig all nicely packed in plastic wrap, cut up beautifully. To have the bacon sizzling on my pan, on not think of the dear thing it came from. In other words - I LOVE pork, but just don't want to think where it came from :-) - don't you DARE bring that cutey over for Thanksgiving!!!!!!!
Looks like a good sized porker. No wonder he yelled the way you tried to transport him. Galen says, "I'd yell too." Here the Kekchi put them in a bag and sling them over their shoulder. Can't get away from their screaming! We had a good laugh.
Love, Phyllis and Galen
kendra said…
these pictures made me laugh. thanx for sharing

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