Keeping Cool

It has been fantastically hot here this past week, the kind of hot that never really subsides; the sun may go down and night may take over but the heat and humidity still lingers. It's the kind of heat that makes sleep nearly unattainable and if it does come it's a fitful sleep, one that leaves you feeling drained and disoriented. And we're only in April, May and June are our hottest months so we have a lot to look forward to I suppose. During the day we do what we can to stay cool, we avoid the sun at all costs, we take frequent walks to the nearby river to take a quick dip and clean the dust and sweat off and I've taken to drinking coffee at mid-afternoon. The locals say it helps - I'm not so sure but I do so love the coffee.

what to do when you're too young to go to the river by yourself? fill up a bucket.

the funny thing is that mateito, the baby, was playing all by himself until the 2 older ones caught on and joined in the fun.

they were quickly scolded by their mother for wasting the water

in order to escape the heat on Saturday we caught a bus to the pineapple plantation and then hiked into the mountains.

stay cool. peace.


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