So the founders of the building we now use in the garbage dump showed up last week to inspect the premises. The guy in charge is just a humble contractor from Minnesota who has been coming to Honduras since the early 90's. He built the current structure years ago and turned it over to a local pastor and a local missionary but comes back from time to time to replace stolen parts or do repairs. There had been a break-in back in August and Al wanted to replace the current double-doors with one strong, reinforced door so he spent about 3 days tearing out the old one and giving the building a new door worthy of Fort Knox. I actually got a call yesterday from his assistant asking me if I would be willing to get a group of kids together to paint the entire place if the paint and supplies were donated. I agreed...and am crossing my fingers that all will go well.
dino was an ever-present observer over the course of the 3 days that al and his assistant reinforced the front door.
al asked if i knew anything about construction and i wanted to say yes, having lived with bill keiser all my life i should. but honestly i can say that i'm good for hauling things, holding things and following orders...don't ask me to hang doors though.
Coming to Honduras
The other day in philosophy class I was teaching about existentialism, a philosophy with which I have myriad problems. The universe is absurd, life is meaningless, authenticate yourself with irrational leaps of faith! Hopeless and disconnected from reality if you ask me. Get out of the café Camus, mix with some common folk! Nevertheless, as I was introducing the material I mentioned that the existentialists really probed the questions of Life's meaning and purpose: "How do I create myself to be unique and significant?" "How do I live an authentic existence?" "How do I give my life meaning and purpose in an otherwise meaningless universe?" These seem to be questions that are attendant to societies that possess extreme wealth and privilege and an over-abundance of leisure time. I have serious doubts that 15th Century English peasants or even nobles for that matter, spent much time contemplating how they might make their lives unique or leave a...
Anyway, is that Al VanGorp? I can't fully tell from the photos but it looks like it could be. If so, he goes to the church my three sisters attend in western Minnesota. I know Al goes to Honduras but I thought it was closer to SPS where he went.
If it is him, he is such a GREAT guy and servant of God. He's an expert at everything he does in the construction world. I hope he's enjoying a little break from the winter weather in Minnesota.
I'm sure whatever he is doing and has done it's done with excellence! You are blessed to have him a part of your ministry.
May God continue to bless your ministry!