I mentioned yesterday that cousin and boyfriend showed up in their motorhome the other week... ok, this is them really, though I think I prefer the other photo. Anyshway, as is our wont and custom, we took the two unsuspecting gringos into the mountains under the pretext of a lovely stroll through the forest terminating at a delightful and inviting waterfall. Nothing could be further from the truth really; it's actually similar to a forced death march with steep inclines and switchbacks nearly the entire leg of the journey. One is forced to traverse rock slides, slippery declines and inclines that grade at a frightful pitch. The journey leads you to a waterfall to be sure but in order to enjoy it you have to descend a rock wall made slippery by spray, moss and worms and then climb over boulders of the same. The hike, if it can be called that, is essentially a 2 hour-long test in patience and endurance - 5 minutes in you want it to be over. This is Nelson's schtick really, he ...