An Urgent Request
This isn't exactly my January Update, though that wil be coming forthwith. No, this is a brazen and unashamed solicitaton for funds. For the past few months I've been searching for funding for both our high school scholarship program and the soccer club in much the same way that I did last year at this time; through emails, reminders in my updates and through directly contacting specific people and organizations. Last year funds came rolling in and we had just enough to cover all of our expenses. This year, for whatever the reason, I've gotten one repsonse - which while helpful and much needed hasn't been sufficient reason to forge ahead as planned. What's worse and much more pressing is that enrollment for high school begins next week, meaning I have to make a decision here soon if I'm going to enroll my students or not. I am fully aware that financially many people are strapped or suffering and I'm not trying to make anyone feel guilty or shame someone into giving to our projects here. What I am asking that you examine your current situation and if you are able, please consider giving towards one of the 2 projects. This year I have 15 kids that are either returning to high school for their second year or just starting out as freshmen. If I cannout find $1,000 per pupil (I don't the money in-hand, simply pledged) I will have no option other than to not enroll my students which means that for many, if not all of them, their dreams for higher education will be over and as 12, 13 & 14 year olds they will begin to look for work in the garbage dump or look for spouses. Please consider contributing towards this program that for these kids, is a once in a lifetime opportunity out of destitute and cyclical poverty. Above all please pray, I know there are funds out there and I know this is worthy program - pray that the two meet. Pray too that my kids take full advantage of the opportunity being shown to them, that they might show others here in the garbage dump community the value of education and working hard towards a life goal. Thank you for considering this and blessings to you all.
Matt Keiser
Mission Worker in Los Laureles, La Ceiba, Honduras
Eastern Mennonite Missions
"Not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit says the Lord Almighty." - Zech. 4:6