Oder (14), one of the kinder and more respectful boys in laureles took quite a tumble last night...

He was running down that thar hill (which would be the newest addition to our landfill monstrosity) when he tripped and came down with all of his weight on a piece of glass that sliced his knee wide open...

I got a call from his mother and rushed to the hospital where I found him with 10 stitches in his knee and in a lot of pain. This shot is from this morning...

His one-room, one-bed home was filled with attendant cousins and friends waiting on his every need and hanging on his every word. His best friend (Chihua) didn't sleep last night, he cried the whole night through and at 6:00 am this morning he was at Oder's bedside playing cards with him and sharing coffee. I love these people.