University Bound
It's become our custom here, we happy folk of Los Laureles, to help out those unfortunate university co-eds that have found it possible to fail their physical education class for the term. How they manage such a feat is beyond me, this is class that anyone, even my Grandmother could pass. Regardless we here in Laureles are ready and willing to help. My connection with this rabble band of misfits and curmudgeons is this; their professor/slave driver is a member of my church and absolutely loves the children of Los Laureles. Thus when the university flunkies came to her and begged a reprieve she gave them an out; they would pass the class if they hosted a fun day for the children of the garbage dump. They of course jumped at the opportunity and so this past Friday we loaded up my car and a small van with 30 of Laureles' finest and off we went to the university for a day of games, food, cake and a pinata. It rained, which made the kids that much happier because they were able to get all good and muddy whilst playing soccer...all in all it was a good day. More than just being fun trips, I see these outings to university as a chance to expose the kids to a wider world of education and opportunity. I want them to see that there is more to life than picking garbage and selling bananas, that there is hope for a better life beyond what they know...and thanks to the Gym Class Dropouts I'm able to do that. That would make a good band name by the by.
presenting the kids to the university students just before the games began